I’ve been very lucky and have been allowed to have a sleep-in (until 7am ) some mornings, before we begin our hike around the parks and pathways of Teddington and Richmond. Our springtime is just glorious and nature is blossoming and blooming everywhere you look. Not just flowers, fruit and trees but the birdsong and birth of ducklings, cygnets and other wildlife. I keep trying to capture all this beauty, to revisit it at a time when we are no longer here. The only blight on these early morning rambles (no rude comments about MY ramblings, thank you), is the endless clouds of midges we have to navigate our way through, when on the Thames Path. The ‘aussie wave’ and zipping the lips are the only ways to stop swallowing a thousand of them as we walk through.
On our walk this morning we passed a chalk board saying “The Simple things in life give the greatest pleasure”. That’s my philosophy - so long as you can add in a bottle of Rose wine, French cheese, art, music, travel and of course, family and friends.
After blaming my lack of kitchen measuring equipment for the failure of my ANZAC biscuits, I received a mysterious parcel from the lovely John Lewis department store. My very dear friend, Ginny, had ordered and sent measuring spoons, cups and jugs. Such a kind and generous gift! I love them and used them successfully this morning to make chocolate muffins for the “flatmates”. If we aren’t having car-park coffee I leave a couple at the door of each person in our little group, ring the doorbell and skedaddle back to our flat, before their door opens. Our doorbell rang the other day and on our mat was a miniature bottle of Prosecco and a very sweet note. I’m not looking for gifts or thanks. It is just my way of ‘connecting’ while we are in lockdown and I’m enjoying baking again.
Today is VE Day. The Red Arrows took to the skies for a flypast in London this morning, leaving a vibrant trail of red, white and blue smoke. A canon has been fired at Edinburgh Castle to begin and end the two minute silence to honour those that served during WWII and RAF Typhoon jets flew over Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh. I’ve got my bunting ready to hang in the car park and Vera Lynn’s Hits of the Blitz album is loaded on my phone and connected to our portable speaker. I know all the words, because mum and dad had this album and it was played a lot. I’m making a jug of Pimms, plating up some nibbles and we’ll join some of the flatmates at 4pm with our camping chairs (socially distanced, of course) for a toast to VE Day.
The Royal Garden Party was of course cancelled this year but I had already bought my dress. Glad I didn’t buy the hat at the same time as that would just sit in the wardrobe for some years to come, but at least I can wear the dress .... one day. All those invited for 2020 can transfer to the 2021 event, so that’s a huge bonus. We’ll have to try and get there. A chance of a lifetime, not to be missed
Right, I need to go and make cucumber sandwiches and scones for my date with Vera, Winston and Liz. Ta ra, luv!